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Netherlands Retreat

  • The Hague Marriot (map)

Running. Yoga. Play. Mindfulness.

Imagine an immersive experience where you are exposed to concepts. The concepts become part of the exploration. The exploration becomes the experience.

You can come for 5 days or you can come for 1 day. This a unique opportunity to learn and explore running, yoga, and a playful approach to mindfulness and movement.

If you are a movement practitioner, coach, or athlete who has been struggling to connect the dots between different theories and concepts you have learned in clinics, you should join us.

Or maybe you are someone who is curious about how movement works or you are tired of being constantly injured whenever you try take up a running or movement program. You should join us, too.

This is an opportunity to learn:

  • Why asymmetry is your friend

  • Why internal and external rotation matter a lot less than whether your rotations are in agreement

  • How you can use pressure to feel more connected to what you are trying to do

  • How the feet work when you are running, hiking, kicking up into a handstand, or pulling yourself over a bar

  • Why using a lot of force to perform a movement is less effective than using leverage and just the right amount of force to perform a movement

  • How you can use observation and video to assess yourself or others (without fancy tests or equipment)

On April 24, Movement Strategy Consultant Adarian Barr, yoga teacher Dawn Ross, and movement teacher Jenn Pilotti are coming together at the coast of Scheveningen - The Hague to create a unique learning experience. Sessions will be held at The Hague Marriott Hotel and in different locations throughout the Hague. We will be both outdoor and inside. If you are interested in learning more about movement, understanding how to use asymmetries to your advantages, or how you to unleash your inner athletic potential, consider joining us. Open to practitioners, athletes, coaches, or anyone with a body interested in movement.

Wednesday, April 24:

Location: The Hague

Session start time: 2:00

Topics: Kite flying—an introduction to running fast and injury free

Thursday, April 25:

Location: The Hague

Session start time: 10:00AM

Topics: Feet, feet, and more feet: using the feet to ground, anchor, and fly

Friday, April 26:

Location: The Hague (track session)

Session start time: 8:30AM

Topics: What do the anus and q-angles have to do with running, hiking, and moving? Lessons from the pelvic floor

Saturday, April 27:

Location: The Hague

Session start time: 10AM

Topics: An introduction to play: discover the inner runner (and mover) in you using unconventional equipment and exploration

Sunday, April 28:

Location: The Hague

Session start time: 8:30AM

Topics: Wrap-up, putting it all together

What’s included:

All sessions (no lodging, no food)

There will be 3-4 formal sessions a day, with optional activities interspersed. Optional activities may include:

  • The beack

  • Hiking

  • The park

There will also be opportunities to interact over meals, and a special Top Gun Video Analysis session over drinks if you want to hone your observational skills.

The Netherlands Retreat:

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The Netherlands--single day
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There are a number of lodging options in the Hague available. The location is approximately an hour train ride or a 35 minute taxi drive from Amsterdam Airport Schipol.

More information about the venue can be found here.

*You do not need to be a runner in order to attend

April 25

Hamstrings: Strength, rehab, and speed